Goshen Stars Global College is a school founded by God whose plan and purpose are to deliver today’s youths out of the rot prevalent in our society today.
As an instrument, always yielding and committed to the vision of youths’ upbringing, Mrs. Ifeoma Okaka made herself a vessel in God’s able hands to establish a School equal to none in Enugu State.
Goshen Stars Global college is blessed with noble dedicated, tested, and proven staff who have been sanitized and encouraged to queue into the work of the Lord. The teachers here are highly qualified as no mediocre is employed.

The academic tone of the school has always been high from inception. Students are exposed to intensive and extensive learning processes through didactic, inquiry, and other teaching techniques.
Interactions between teachers and students are very cordial as they respond positively to instructions. This can be attested through external competitions and examinations which they have participated in.
The School has well-equipped laboratories, music studio, sickbay, etc.

To develop creativity in students, we encourage students to be active members of at least two clubs. The clubs include drama, literary and debating, music, young farmers club, jet, homemakers, computer, young believers/ Bible club, etc.
These clubs meet weekly and internal competitions are often organized.
Such times are always exhilarating, for the students, as talents and potentials are discovered in view of developing and encouraging such talents.

In a bid to develop the “Total Child”, we conduct seminars and workshops on etiquette. Hence, students are made to learn correct codes such as postures, correct behavioral patterns, speaking in the public, and others.

Goshen Stars Global college is a Christian school of reputation. We have a good percentage of teachers who are born again Christians, hence students are taught in the way of the Lord. They are exposed to the scriptures through the daily study of the Bible. We hold a comprehensive bible study every Friday, where the students are molded using the word of God.

In conclusion, I dream of a school that would stand out to fulfill the plans and purpose of God for its establishment. I dream of a school whose products would occupy sensitive positions in the Society, using the Bible as their guide. I see a group that would effect a positive change in this generation.

Thank You.

Anigbogu K.